Storm Damage and Your Home
This Monsoon season has been a wild one for the Valley, with flash floods, heavy winds, power outages, Haboobs, and Microbursts. And it’s not over yet! There is always a lot of damage that can occur when strong storms like these move through the Valley. Over here in the Platinum Property Maintenance Division we have our hands full doing plenty of rain checks all season long. We always recommend you walk your property after a strong storm to ensure there is no damage or nothing that needs to be addressed.
During our rain checks we carefully go through each home, indoors and outdoors. The main thing we say to do while indoors is to look up. We walk around the home and look up at the ceiling, skylights, light fixtures, and ceiling fans to check for leaks. Those are the most common places leaks can occur during a storm. Also, we check all windows and doors leading to the outside to make sure no water has come through. Once we have finished with that, we head outdoors. We look at the landscaping for leaning or broken trees, cacti, or bushes, and check patio furniture for any damage. If you have a wash that runs through your property, we would check for any spillovers that may have caused or may potentially cause damage.
There are many companies to call for damage that has occurred from a storm. Our Property Maintenance Team takes care of all of that for our clients. We call for pool service/cleaning, as storms like these can leave pools a mess. We contact landscape companies to take care of leaning or broken plants, roofers for roof leaks, and so on. If you have water coming through your doors, you may need to have your pavers reset to angle the water away from your home rather than towards it.
Though it’s nice for the desert to see rain every so often, these storms can be messy and disastrous too. Those were just a few friendly reminders and suggestions from your Platinum Property Maintenance Team. Happy Monsoon Season!